Sunday, March 27, 2011



Whatever your religious and spiritual beliefs may be, I would really appreciate your saying a prayer for my darling wife Melinda who will be having eye surgery at the University of North Carolina on Monday. Her left eye will hava a cataract removed and receive a new lense. While everyone says this is a relatively routine procedure these days, Melinda faces a special challenge.

She has almost no vision in her right eye, so this operation on her left is the one big chance to see better in the future. She has gone through weeks of concern about the possibility (one in a thousand) of something going wrong and then facing a future of virtual blindness.

Melinda and I have three adopted kids in India and we have visited them a couple of times. All three are Tibetan refugees and one, Wangchuk, is a monk in a Buddhist monestary outside Mysore. Melinda also sponsors four monks at the Drepong Losling Monestary further north. Because of our years long association with the monestaries, we have been assured that prayers are being said in every Tibetan Buddhist monestary in India.

Here in Santa Fe, they are praying at Santo Domingo Pueblo and a Hispanic women's prayer group. So please join in and add your best thoughts and wishes and prayers to the collective energy that will accompany her tomorrow. Many thanks for your blessings. Stay tuned for a report.

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